Bladder Nut tree
Rare in the UK, this large shrub is from the Caucasus Mountains in Georgia where it grows at high altitude. The white flower buds smell good enough to eat, and taste like something between orange blossom and vanilla. In the past they were harvested in the wild and the flower buds were fermented and eaten. The seeds were also washed and packed in salt and olive oil and eaten all year round like pistachios.
Wingnut Tree
The Caucasian Wingnut came from the Elborz Mountains in northern Iran in 1782. Normally only found in specialist gardens, this species grows to over 80 feet in height whilst its leaves are over two feet long, the same size as the eye-catching green catkins it produces in early summer.
California Coast Redwood Tree
The tallest trees in the world, Redwoods can easily reach heights of over 300 feet. The one at Thicket Priory is still relatively small at only 100 feet.
The Black Walnut
The Black Walnut was brought to England from Vermont in 1656. It has been proven there are many medicinal uses for its bark, leaves, husks and nuts, including as a mosquito repellent, a laxative and a pain reliever. More recently it has even been tested for its anticancer properties.
The timber of the Black Walnut is used by craftsmen around the world for furniture and ornaments, while walnut seeds also produce a dark coloured dye which is still used in various crafts.